Coconut oil and yeast infections The major weapon in your arsenal

One of my favorite yeast infection home remedies is coconut oil for all the right reasons.
While there are no safety issues, look for oil that is snow white when solid, and water clear when in liquid form. Avoid any hydrogenated oil like the ones in coffee creamers. Use organic virgin. Other then that, enjoy!!
Dosages About 3 or 4 spoonfuls a day, internally, is the proper dosage for maximum effect. Topically, apply as desired. Usually 3 or 4 times a day. As a suppository, you can spoon out a little of the solid form and insert it straight.
Suppository recipe 1. A heaping spoonful (or two) of coconut oil 2. A big clove of garlic that you will use a garlic press to infuse into the melted oil (or 2 drops of tea tree) 3. In a double boiler, at low temperature, slow melt the oil 4. As soon as it's almost melted, remove from heat and infuse the garlic (or tea tree) 5. Pour small amounts into the bottom of an ice cube tray 6. Use as needed ADDED THINGS TO KNOW: * It's important to use low temperatures, as you want to minimize the hydrogenating. * Also, garlic oil burns easily and you want to keep as many properties as possible. * The coldness makes it soothing to a vaginal itch (use the same trick for yogurt popsicles). * You can also use this rectally to get rid of a yeast infection from the 'other direction'.
How and why it works Using coconut oil for yeast infections is smart, because it's high in both Lauric (almost 50%) and Caprylic acid. Both of which have antiviral. antifungal, and antimicrobial properties.
This combination helps balance the natural intestinal flora by targeting the harmful bacteria, yet leaving the friendly bacteria alone. Studies in both Nigeria and Iceland show that it's effective in killing off candida.
Going a little deeper: Lauric acid is a medium chain fatty acid. Medium chain means that while most oils have 18 to 20 carbon atoms, coconut only has 12.
Why this is a big deal: 1. There is an enzyme called CPT that your body doesn't have many of, and with a shorter molecular length, now you don't have to use it up as quick. 2. The triglycerides in the medium chain are digested by the liver instead of being stored in the fatty tissue or clogging up your system (like arteries). 3. It turns into monolaurin in the human body, which destroys lipid coated viruses like herpes, HIV, and heliobacter pylori (which is an ignored cancer causing agent I would recommend you look into, as you probably have it).
Capylic acid has 10 carbon atoms and is the fastest and most effective in killing all three strains of Candida. It left it shrunken and disorganized with a disrupted membrane.
Dr. Crook (pioneer in the field of yeast infections. Author of "The yeast connection") reported that it works especially well with people who have adverse reactions to antifungal drugs.
In 2007, the Nigerian Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology echoed that finding. Adding that "It is noteworthy that coconut oil should be used in the treatment of fungal infections in view of emerging drug-resistant Candida species."
So, to begin to sum it up, even people who live in countries, regions or conditions that typically promote candida, when coconuts are regularly consumed, they rarely suffer from candida.
I know this is a little more technical then I usually go into, but I took lots of notes on using coconut oil for yeast infections, and thought it was fascinating. I thought I'd share.
Here are some more tidbits from my notes: * Kills fungus and yeast infections (thrush, skin infections, systemic, jock itch, diaper rash, athletes foot). * The benefits are cumulative. You have to eat it on a regular basis acquire the benefits. * It forms a barrier against infections. * Only Emu oil may be healthier for your skin. It can even help remove those 'liver' spots. * Use the suppository recipe, and add some strong chamomile tea (instead of garlic) for a fantastic massage oil. It does wonders for sore joints. * Both the oil and our skin has a pH of about 5. * Reduces food intake * Helps normalize weight by reducing the fat content stored in fat cells * Helps with diabetes * Reduces blood pressure * Speeds up metabolism * Doesn't circulate in the blood like other fats
I would definitely recommend using coconut oil for yeast infections. If I have any choice in cooking oils at all, I use either coconut or olive oil.
I think continuing to do this contributes a great deal to the fact that I can enjoy chocolate and sweets (in moderation) without having a full-blown infection episode.
Usually I would say to alternate one antifungal then one probiotic, but since you get to keep the good flora, Here you can do two or three of Coconut oil then a probiotic.
Using coconut oil as a yeast infection home remedy is something you should definitely consider.
Want to learn how to make your own probiotic?