Would you like relief from that candida itch?

Yeast infection itch relief

Now the important page. Natural remedies for yeast infection itching.

I find it amazing that an inflammation of nerve endings can cause insanity.

Every itch is different.
Generally, I'm a natural kind of girl, but here is where I admit that I tried over the counter products.
I didn't care. All I wanted was relief from yeast infection itching.

Overall, I got longer lasting relief with the natural remedies.
Over the counter lotions are good if it's a histamine based itch.

My favorites turned out to be coconut oil or chamomile for easy days,
and for grit-your-teeth days, a alternating of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) then covering it with Castor oil (and a cloth).
Next time, Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) then covering it with Castor oil (and cloth).

Without further ado, I would like to present some natural remedies for yeast infection itching.

Aloe vera and yeast infections


Either buy pure gel from the health food store that needs to be refrigerated.
Apply to a cotton ball, apply to affected area.

Or, if you have the plant itself.
Break off some of the plant, split it open, rub lightly on affected area.

Aloe Vera is only for itch relief, it doesn't kill Candida.

Chamomile and yeast infections CHAMOMILE

Make the water hot, (but not so hot that you have to wait 10 min for it to cool down) drop the teabag in.

About 5 minutes later, pull the bag out.
The goal is you still want lots of properties left in the bag.
Your only getting it hot and wet enough, long enough, to release the properties.

Dab the bag on the area you want relief.
You can also get a underwear liner wet with chamomile and use it for an extended application.
You can either drink the tea, or keep dunking the bag into the tea and reapplying (in which case, don't drink the tea).

Use hot tea or cold tea, decide which one gives you more relief. If it's cold, you can make and use a batch throughout each day.

yeast infections and acidophilus


You can get this in a couple different ways.

Make it yourself:
Yogurt or cabbage. Dab on with a cotton ball.

Buy it:
Lactobacilli that you get from a health food store, in the refrigerated section.
Open and mix the capsule contents with flax seed oil, castor oil, or water, then apply.

Dabbing with yogurt, cabbage, or a lactobacilli, helps re-balance your probiotic levels.

One of the things probiotics do is manufacture a hydrogen peroxide byproduct. Incidentally, this is one of the first things your body does as a first line of defense against illnesses, viruses or yeast infections.

So when you're applying, or consuming, acidophilus, you're giving your body a boost of what it's trying to do naturally.

This is the kinder, gentler, safer version of Hydrogen Peroxide therapy.

Hydrogen Peroxide and candida HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (H2O2)

Unless you know how to use hydrogen peroxide therapy correctly, do NOT take it internally.The internal dosage is measured in diluted DROPS in (always) DISTILLED water.

It can be helpful, and it's heavy duty, but internal usage is advanced care and consists more of warnings and careful considerations rather then a straight take this.

You can use it with general safety as:

sitz-bath , use about 1/4 of a cup.
A diluted douche, add about a spoonful for a full glass worth (if you're using over the counter and not medicinal 35%).
With cotton ball wiped on the itchy areas. Start with the douche dilution. You can get stronger until you're using it straight.
It will burn for a minute, but then will feel better.

Hydrogen Peroxide therapy can be tricky.
Some people who are cured with H2O2 didn't necessarily have a yeast infection, but had a bacterial infection.
Since Hydrogen Peroxide is one of the major natural primary defenses that your body produces, It may have eradicated the bacteria that was mistaken for yeast infection.

yeast infections and apple cider vinegar

APPLE CIDER VINEGAR (ACV) with the mother

You can use full strength, if you want.
Diluting stings a little less.

Dilute 4 spoonfuls of ACV in half a glass (or full tea cup) of water (Distilled water is always best for medicinal things).
Take a cotton ball, dunk it in the mixture and apply.

For a sitzbath, use 2/3 cup when using a sitzpan.

For a regular bathtub, add 3 cups to hot or warm water.

As a douche, use the equivalent of 3 spoonfuls to a full glass.

Stings, then feels better.

ACV can help normalize your pH, or make an environment where it's too acidic for yeast to grow.
I think it's interesting that ACV has about the same pH as a normal vaginal environment.
It's also a type of probiotic. Yet another reason it's useful as a natural remedy for yeast infections.

slippery elm and candida itching SLIPPERY ELM

A spoonful of slippery elm powder.

Enough water, castor oil, or better yet, flax oil to make it a goo ball that can stick to where you want it with relative ease.

Like Aloe, it doesn't get rid of a yeast infection, It only brings itch relief.

castor oil and yeast infections


Buy and apply.
It can stain, (and did) so cover with your "castor oil cloth".
Which is any fabric (like a t-shirt, but not denim) you decide to make one out of.

coconut for yeast infections

Another easy buy and apply natural remedy for yeast infections.

Another one of my favorites for all the right reasons.

The delightful thing about this is that it kills the candida.

Smear it on your skin, use it as an additive to cooking, or when your making a suppository, it's all helpful.

Just make sure the it's snow white in solid form, and water clear when it's liquid.

There you have it.

If you are interested in going the natural route, these are some of the best home remedies for yeast infection itch relief.

I hope they save your sanity as much as they saved mine.

Interested in continuing to learn more about taking control of your own yeast infection?

Click here to learn about making your own probiotics.